Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8

Monday-Day 4-Gym

-complete Math Practice 1-5

-practice the new pink Key Word Cards nightly, the white cards should be reviewed, as well.  Please keep the Key Word Envelope in your Child’s Homework Folder!

Tuesday-Day 5-Library (remember Library books!)

-complete Reading Workbook pg. 23 (write the letters 5x’s neatly and the words at the bottom once)

Wednesday-Day 1-Music

-complete Math Practice 1-6

- complete Reading Workbook pg. 30

Thursday-Day 2-Art

-complete Math Practice 1-7

Friday-Day 3-Computer Class

            -It’s Picture Day!! To order pictures, money must be sent in with the order in the envelope provided.  All students should come dressed for pictures, whether you are ordering or not, because all students go in the composite for the yearbook.


-When sending lunch money, it must be in an envelope or bag with your child’s name and ID number on the front.

-Please make sure to check the Friday Folders over the weekend and the Homework Folders nightly!

Have a great week!



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April 29

Spelling Words ask              asked           plan             planned         help             helped drop            dropped    ...