Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27-October1

Trace, write and spell the words aloud on Monday and Wednesday nights.  Study the words on Tuesday night!
The Pre-test will be given on Thursday, write any corrections 3x's each and the Final Test will be given on Friday.

Read the story "A Fox and a Kit" and practice the word list nightly.  The Oral Test on the Word list will be given on ThursdayThe Vocabulary and Comprehension Test will be given on Friday.

Homework sheets will be completed on Monday through Thursday nights.  Please check over your child's homework nightly.

Last week we discussed Farm Animals!  Look for your child's packet in his or her folder!

-We will have a Bullying Program in the Gym on Friday morning.
-We will have Gym on Wednesday-remember to wear sneakers!
-Remember Library books for Thursday.

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20-24

Read "The Big Blue Ox" and practice the word list nightly.  We will take an oral test on Thursday for the word list and the written test will be given on Friday .

There will be Math homework on Monday-Thursday.  The Homework Sheet is on the back of the worksheet that was completed in school.

Monday-complete Spelling practice book pg. 9, write the words 2x's each
Wednesday-complete Spelling practice book pg. 10
Thursday-Pre-test; write corrections 3x's each
Friday-Final Test

 **Every Friday is Spirit Day!!**

Have a Great Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13-17

Practice "Pig in a Wig" and Reading vocabualry words nightly.

Monday-pg. 5
Wed.-pg. 8
Friday-Final Test

-please complete the Homework sheets on Tuesday-Thursday nights.

We will shop at the Book Fair on Wednesday! 

Have a nice week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 6-10

We are working on "Sam, Come Back!" Please read the story and practice the word list nightly!

There will be homework Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The homework is on the back of the worksheet that we did in school!

Trace, write and study the words on Tuesday and Wednesday night. The Pre-test will be on Thursday. Any words wrong will be written 3x's each for homework and the Final Test will be taken on Friday.

**Thursday is Picture Day! All children will be having their picture taken, so dress nicely, and dress code must be followed! If you are ordering a p[package of pictures, payment must be with order in the envelope provided!

April 29

Spelling Words ask              asked           plan             planned         help             helped drop            dropped    ...