Friday, August 29, 2008

Homework Note Aug. 25

Homework Note
August 25, 2008
Mrs. Burns

We will be working on “A Big Surprise” this week. Your child will have a Key Word envelope in his or her folder on Wednesday. Please review those key words nightly. The textbooks will also be sent home on Wed. and Thurs. Please have your child read the story to you. The first few stories are very easy. Please discuss the pictures with your child to check for comprehension.

We will work on addition to 6 this week!

We will be working on the letters n, o, t and p.

This unit in Science is about Balance and Motion. Our first investigation will be on Balance.

We will have snack time every morning at about 10:00. For the first week I will provide snack, but you are more than welcome to send a snack from home. After this week, each child will need to bring a snack from home. A small drink can be included, just not soda!

-Lunch Money
It is best to send lunch money in weekly or monthly. The cash or check must be in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, homeroom 105 and their ID number. If you don’t know the ID number send me a note and I will send you a note with your child’s number.

Our special classes follow a 6 Day Cycle.
Day 1-Art Day 2-Book Exchange Day 3-Library
Day4-Computer Class Day 5-Music
Day 6-Gym(Wear sneakers!)

April 29

Spelling Words ask              asked           plan             planned         help             helped drop            dropped    ...