Monday, September 21, 2009

Homework for September 21-25;#7258


This week we will work on blends and the letters Dd and Ff. There will be a phonics reader on Wednesday and Friday. Please read over those with your child.

We will work on the story “The Big Blue Ox” this week. Please review the new word list nightly. The oral test on the word list will be given on Wednesday. The hardcover Reading books will be sent home nightly, as well. Please read and discuss the story with your child. The written Vocabulary and Comprehension Test will be given on Friday!

We will continue to work on Addition to 10 this week. Please review the addition facts at home. We will take the Chapter 2 Test on Thursday!

We will be working on “Spinners” in FOSS Science this week!

-We will have a Pep Rally in our Gym on Friday morning in honor of Homecoming!! We will get to cheer on our football team and meet the Homecoming Candidates. Students may wear NS Spartan shirts with dress code appropriate bottoms!!
-We will have snack daily at 10:15. Please send a snack with your child, a drink can be sent as well. If you would like to send enough snacks for a week or longer please write your child’s name on the package and I will keep the snack and distribute it at snack time.
-Please remember to send a note to school on the day your child returns after being absent. If a note isn’t returned in 3 days it will be considered an illegal absence.
-Lunch money must be sent in an envelope with your child’s name, ID number and homeroom 105 on the front.
-Specials this week;
Monday-Day 4-Book Exchange
Tuesday-Day 5-Computer Class
Wednesday-Day 6-Music
Thursday-Day 1-Gym (wear sneakers!!!)
Friday-Day 2-Art
Have a great week!!

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April 29

Spelling Words ask              asked           plan             planned         help             helped drop            dropped    ...